
By Cobi Genna and Brittney Sims

As the year comes to a close, the seniors in Mrs. Monday’s third period class are in full panic mode as we try to finish up our stories for the Karns Oral History blog. Like many others in our class, senioritis is in full swing, and just as our teacher predicted we put off this very article to the absolute last minute. This is not the story we originally planned, but our graduation is in T-12 days and we wanted to write about something we can all relate to: the struggles of senior year. Part of this article was done selfishly to get some advice and moral support from our KHS family, but the information we received will help any rising senior or student in general. Even after deciding on this story we put it off for another two weeks and last Friday ran around the school like chickens with our heads cut off trying to decide who to interview. Finally we came to the conclusion, who better to interview than the senior class of 2019 and the teachers who taught them for the past four years? Needless to say, even after getting our interviews, we have still put this off to the very last minute…



Mrs. Kimberly Jenkins

Mrs. Rachel Monday

Mrs. Hannah Smith

Josh McClure:Class of 2019 VP of Deca, Treasurer of Math Honors Society, KHS Most Outgoing

Andrew Faulkenberry: Class of 2019, Prom King, Mr. KHS, President of Deca, VP of National Honors Society, 2019 Class speaker

Lee Pinkston: Class of 2019 KHS Most Musical, Grace Moore Scholarship Winner, President of KHS Ensemble Choir


Q: When did you graduate?

Jenkins: 1993

Monday: 2001

Smith: 1995


Q: What was your favorite part of senior year?

Jenkins: Going to all the football games, my friends and I didn’t miss a single game!

Monday: Finally being treated like an adult.

Lee: The final show of the musical.


Q: What was the saddest part of senior year?

Andrew: Leaving all my friends and growing apart.

Lee: Not going to see all the people anymore.

Josh: Seeing all my friends graduate.


Q: Did you experience “Senioritis”?

Jenkins: I was not allowed to, my parents… just no.

Monday: I had scholarships to work on.

Smith: Yes.

Andrew: Yes.

Lee: Yes.

Josh: Yes.


Q: Are you excited about graduating?

Andrew: Yes, I want to figure out what I want to do.

Lee: Yes, I want to work towards becoming a vocal performer.

Josh: Yes, I can’t wait to experience college!


Q: Do you/ Do you think you’ll miss High School?

Smith: Sometimes.

Lee: Without a doubt.

Josh: Of course!


Q: Do you have any advice or a message to the class of 2019?

Jenkins: Since i have taught them since 7th graders I am very proud of them and I wish them the best; I feel like they’re my children.

Monday: For those going to college, enjoy it. College will be the best time of your life.

Smith: Show up to your classes and pay attention, it will make things a lot easier.


Q: What’s your advice for the Class of 2020

Andrew: Come to school.

Lee: Everything is fine.

Josh: Don’t take things too seriously, and take advice of people you trust and that have been in a situation similar to yours.


As we finish up, it’s hard to believe this year and this project has come to an end along with our time here at Karns. In a very real way, as we’ve spent these past 9 months recording Karns History, we’ve been creating our own and will continue to create our own history as we journey out into the real world. We are so thankful for the support from our teachers, peers, and everyone in the community who took the time out of their days to let us interview them and share their stories along with all of you who read and shared our articles. We hope that you all will continue supporting the Karns Oral History blog for the years surpassing us.


In starting this project we took a vow to share the history of Karns and in going forward we will continue this and vow to add to that history ourselves.


Signing off for the last time,

the Seniors of the Karns Oral History Society,


Brittney Sims,

Cobi Genna,

Josh McClure,

Joe Mcdonald,

Faith Sullivan,

Alise Ndacayisaba

Grace Powers,

Hannah Claflin,

Rebecca Raney,

and Lauren Kelly

One thought on “Senioritis”

  1. Thank you so much to all of you for the work you put into this project to help document some of the interesting people and places in the Karns Community. I wish you lots of success in college or wherever life takes you next. I suspect that if you didn’t already know it, this project has taught you there is a lot more to people and places than meets the eye, so stay open to what you can learn everywhere you go!


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